Find a Therapeutic Solution for your Neck Pain Woes


Neck pain is a common complaint. An article in Harvard Health Publishing mentioned that for the vast majority of people, the reason they experience neck pain is the routine strain put on the muscle from overuse.

A vital part of the body, supporting the movement of the head, continuous poor posture can cause pain and stiffness.

It typically lasts for a few weeks and can often be alleviated with a few home remedies and at-home pain management practices.

Having helped over 2 million people in the UK and around the world, the range may be your way towards finding pain relief at home.

Symptoms of Neck Pain


Although neck pain itself is a symptom, it is often accompanied by other related symptoms that include:

  • Muscle tightness
  • Headache
  • Stiffness or tightness in the neck muscles
  • Spams
  • And difficulty in moving your neck

These symptoms are usually temporary and tend to improve within a few days or a few weeks with at-home treatment. If the neck pain or stiffness continues to persist for several weeks, a visit to the doctor may be needed.

Also, you must contact your GP if the pain worsens, spreads down to your arms, shoulders, and/or legs or is accompanied by numbness, weakness, or a tingling sensation.

Causes of Neck Pain

The most common reasons people complain of neck pain is overuse and bad posture.

Leaning over a laptop or computer screen and sleeping without proper support puts a strain on the neck muscles, causing them to tense up.

Furthermore, neck pain is also connected to stress and anxiety as the muscles in that region tense up.

Tensed or Strained Muscles


As mentioned previously, tension and strain on the muscles are some of the most common causes of neck pain.

Poor posture while sleeping and working on a computer or laptop are the leading causes. Besides that, jerking the neck too fast while exercising or keeping the neck in one stiff position for too long can cause neck pain.


If you participate in aggressive sports such as rugby or football, your neck will be more vulnerable to injury.

You can fall, get pushed or jerk the neck the wrong way, often forcing the tendons and muscles in the neck to move out of their usual place.

In more serious cases, neck injuries can damage the cervical vertebrae or neck bones. This may increase the risk of major injury and requires immediate medical attention.

Other, more uncommon causes for neck pain include:

  • An accident that gives you whiplash due to sudden neck muscle movement
  • Locked or twisted neck – torticollis
  • Cervical spondylosis or arthritis of the neck
  • Pinched nerve
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Neck Pain Treatment

For non-serious neck pain that doesn’t warrant a GP visit, pain management is possible at home. Mayo Clinic suggests:

  • Over-the-counter pain killers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol
  • Alternating between hot and cold therapy throughout the day
  • Neck exercises
  • Sleeping with proper neck and shoulder support
  • Massaging the neck with a pain relief gel

The NHS also suggests that unless your GP advises you, do not wear a neck collar. Make sure you get enough movement to keep the muscles engaged.

In addition to home remedies and pain management techniques, it is crucial that one tries to prevent neck pain.

The NHS suggests the following:

  • Making sure to keep your head at the same height as your body when sleeping or laying down
  • Sitting in an upright posture with the shoulders squared and neck back
  • Sleeping on a firm mattress
  • Moving your neck now and then, especially when hunched over or working on a computer
  • Not sleeping on your front
  • Avoiding aggressive sports while your neck recovers

Effective, At-Home Neck Pain Relief Solutions

Considering your neck is the support for your head and consequently, your brain, it’s crucial that you can have a proper range of movement.

The Paingone range combines natural, drug-free therapies with the best of modern science to offer effective solutions.

PainGone, the original TENS pen, is ideally suited to the treatment of neck pain, allowing you to relieve aching neck muscles.

Combine it with other pain relief products we offer to maximise your comfort.

Check Out Our Paingone Pen Products