Managing Joint Pain for Improved Mobility with At-Home Solutions


According to Versus Arthritis, the UK’s largest charity for fighting against arthritis, more than 18 million people around the UK experience joint pain from musculoskeletal conditions.

For many people, joint pain can be a symptom of arthritis or tendonitis while others may experience pain due to overuse.

The Paingone pain relief range allows you to find some relief from non-serious joint pain. Regardless of whether it’s caused by should tendonitis or knee arthritis, Paingone products can help alleviate some of the discomforts, allowing better mobility.

Joint Pain


The medical term for joint pain is arthralgia. It includes feelings of pain, discomfort, soreness or inflammation in any joint of the body.

Common joint pain complaints include knees, shoulders, hips, and elbows in that order. Joint pain can affect other joints such as the wrist, sacroiliac joint and finger (e.g. metacarpophalangeal joint) joints. Typically, mild joint pain does not warrant a visit to the GP.

However, if the pain persists for several weeks, it’s better to get it checked.

Types of Joint Pain

There are two main types of joint pain:

Acute pain lasts a few weeks and is usually the result of overuse, sprains, strains, flu, etc.

Chronic joint pain is often a symptom of another underlying condition such as arthritis or gout. It can last anywhere from several weeks to years and is often accompanied by inflammation, swelling and stiffness.

Causes of Joint Pain

In many cases, joint pain happens without an apparent cause. It lasts a short while and dissipates on its own. Besides that, non-serious causes of joint pain may include strain, sprain, carpal tunnel syndrome or another overuse injury.

Arthritis remains one of the leading causes of joint pain among the elderly population. Other underlying causes of joint pain may include the following.

Keep in mind that these conditions also trigger an onset of other symptoms, which are treated differently.

  • Osteoporosis
  • Gout
  • Infectious diseases
  • Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tendonitis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Autoimmune disorders

Risk Factors of Joint Pain

The most common factors that pose risk to joint pain are also those that have implications for arthritis.

Family History
Conditions, such as arthritis, have shown to be more prevalent in those people who have a family history of some types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis.

As we get older, our bones and joints lose their integrity and strength. This can increase the likelihood of certain conditions that may case joint pain.

The heavier a person is, the more pressure it will put on the joints. This can trigger pain in weight-bearing joints such as the knees and ankles as they support our weight.

Whether sustained in an accident or playing a sport, certain injuries can cause temporary or lasting joint pain.

Women are more susceptible to arthritis and related diseases that cause aching joints.

Bad habits such as smoking and a sedentary lifestyle can also increase the likelihood of joint pain. Additionally, you may have more chances of experiencing joint pain if you work an occupation that involves hard physical labour or repetitive actions.

Treating Joint Pain

While serious joint injuries and underlying health conditions require specific treatments prescribed by a doctor, joint pain caused by overuse injuries can be managed at home.

These are short-lived, and the pain is acute or even less intense. Some self-management tricks for joint pain that may work include:

  • Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen
  • Applying heat
  • Applying an ice pack
  • Resting the joint

For those with knee joint pain or other caused by arthritis, regularly exercising the joint with heat/cold therapy may be effective in managing aching joints.

At-Home Pain Management Therapy

The Paingone range combines simplicity and ease-of-use with the latest pain-management techniques.

It includes products specifically designed to help reduce joint pain and facilitate better mobility of your joints. Paingone has already helped millions alleviate discomfort, temporarily block pain, and turn their day around for the best.

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